Chronic Illness

  • Life With Neurologic Lyme — A Personal Reflection, Part 2 | The Calm

    Creative thought (outside the lines of real life happenings) might be on an extended hiatus… for an undetermined length of time. Brainwaves have been (and remain) quite occupied of late, soldiering away. Sparking to attention, frantically, within a moments notice.…

  • Life With Neurologic Lyme Disease — A Personal Reflection, Part 1

    Steps Forward, Systemic Flares, Seizures and Setbacks — A Revolving Door, This Life With Lyme Neuroborreliosis How quickly one’s circumstances can change — in a week, a day… a moment. Perhaps with hints of warning, or life purely adjusting at…

  • This Journey Through Life — Chapter 54, Page 339

    Do we mere mortals ever fully understand the ‘why’s’ in this life? Why is the sky blue(1)and the grass green(2)? Why is the color blue called blue(3)? Why does time appear to pass by so quickly? Why is this life…

  • What 2021 Taught + Reminded Me

    ’Tis the Season — Cheers to 2021! End of December greetings, lovelies. Over here in the desert, trying to wrap my mind around the realization of another holiday season swiftly vamoosing. Seriously!?! Have envisioned hustling and bustling, twinkling lights, holiday…

  • How I Became a Sick Person

    Written by Ross Douthat — originally published by The New York Times — October 23, 2021 The long-term form of Covid-19 has something in common with other forms of chronic illness — strange and varied symptoms, lasting debilitation, no certain…

  • You Are More Than Your Illness. However…

    You know sometimes when you read or hear a statement and it hits you just right — like, yes! — I completely agree (or vehemently disagree!). During a recent Twitter scrolling session, an uplifting post appeared on my feed: “it’s…

  • Lyme Disease — Patient Plead with a Side of Rant

    Experiencing various levels of Lyme late one night, I shared segments of the following reflections with Twitterland. Thoughts and feelings simply needing to be released. Emotions completely relatable to many. Too many. Lyme Disease Plead with a Side of Rant…

  • Illness and Healing — Finding Joy in the Journey

    The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. —Archimedes Short, straight distances between points A and B rarely apply to daily life. Well, except for math. And architecture. Oh, and infrastructure. Art. Sports. Nature… Okay, so straight lines,…