My Journey — My Truth

  • Unabashedly Me — Living With Non-Epileptic Seizures, Daily

    We All Have “Shtuff.” We Deal. We Move Forward — The Best Way(s) Possible. Hopefully. Some peeps choose to run. Running away from one’s troubles and/or people helps no one (buck-it-up buttercup). However, in some situations, perhaps running might be…

  • Life With Neurologic Lyme — A Personal Reflection, Part 2 | The Calm

    Creative thought (outside the lines of real life happenings) might be on an extended hiatus… for an undetermined length of time. Brainwaves have been (and remain) quite occupied of late, soldiering away. Sparking to attention, frantically, within a moments notice.…

  • Life With Neurologic Lyme Disease — A Personal Reflection, Part 1

    Steps Forward, Systemic Flares, Seizures and Setbacks — A Revolving Door, This Life With Lyme Neuroborreliosis How quickly one’s circumstances can change — in a week, a day… a moment. Perhaps with hints of warning, or life purely adjusting at…

  • This Journey Through Life — Chapter 54, Page 339

    Do we mere mortals ever fully understand the ‘why’s’ in this life? Why is the sky blue(1)and the grass green(2)? Why is the color blue called blue(3)? Why does time appear to pass by so quickly? Why is this life…

  • Hope Against Hope

    Some moments, days, appear guided by sadness. Intended to be spent alone, quiet with her thoughts. To cry. To feel. Missing who she used to be — vibrant, healthy, beaming; full of life, driven, unstoppable — an untamed fire, blazing…

  • Deep From Within

    My Soul Speaks Dark and dim, unrest from within Confused, disappointed, overwhelmingly weak Pleading for strength, for guidance I seek Saddened by struggle, present life, constant fight In search of true clarity and clinging to faith I’m looking and searching…