Blog post,  Encouragement,  Life

Time Passes. Period.

Time is the most paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past, even while we attempt to define it.

—Charles Caleb Colton

Silly humans. When younger, we can hardly wait to be older — to stay up late, learn to drive, vote, turn 21. Then one day we realize, being an adult… getting older… is hard! And the older wiser we become, the more we wish to turn back (or pause) Father Time. Quite the joke we play on our young, foolish selves!

Happy New Year Almost Spring 2021!

Truth be had, lovelies, I began writing this post a few months ago. Technically last year. Original intention was to share a “new year’s” reflection. Had a (quasi clever) 2020 wrap-up partially written, but was unable to polish my thoughts in a timely fashion. Too much time has passed, and previously compiled scribbles are now tired and worn-out. Like everyone else, I prefer to look ahead, leaving last year in the rear view. No need to unmask the many (soooo many) 2020-isms hanging out there like low-lying fruit. “It just makes common sense” for me to double, better yet triple mask any urge (to breathe) to bring up potentially controversial topics. So, nope. Not looking back. Only forward.

Starting now.

Slight kidding/mocking aside, how is it March already? It’s almost spring, people! Feels like yesterday we were putting away the Christmas tree. Ok, bad example. Finally checked that “to-do” off the list last week. Still have an autumnal centerpiece on the dinning table and holiday candles peppered about the house. Might get around to putting those (no longer seasonal) items away by Memorial Day. Or not. Don’t judge. Or do. Won’t hurt my feelings either way.

Life is what it is.

Home decor, organizational projects, general oomph, and (low-level) OCD have all taken a backseat to IMMSLATSSATO — “illness makes me sweat less about the small stuff and that’s okay.” I still care, greatly, about… everything. Simply lack spare energy to fuss over issues less than an emergency, or anything too far outside my protective bubble — aka: trying to heal/get well, in the hope of one day functioning like a “normal” human again (the bigger stuff!).

Time passes by too quickly, lovelies. It really is okay to stop sweatin’ the small stuff. Don’t believe me, read the book!


Live in the Here and Now

Although lacking the brain power to publish new reflections lately, have spent many sleepless nights reviewing + updating the blog and previous posts (something i should do on a regular basis, preferably not at 3am when needing to sleep!).

In the process of revising my ‘About Me’ page, I added a few thoughts on living each day in the here and now. Seems fitting to include with this post, as well:

Our only real given in this life? Today. Right now. This. Very. Moment. Cliche but true, there are no guarantees (other than death. and taxes. unfortunately). There is zero assurance we will be given a tomorrow. Not being a “Debbie Downer,” simply stating reality.

Suggestion: Live each day meaningfully… and firmly in the present — the here and now. We may not be able to control what happens around us, or even to us, but we are in control of our thoughts… and our behavior. Calm the chaos and the fear… and live! And have hope… and plan for the future. And pray. Pray you/we are blessed to see the sun rise tomorrow. And the next day. And the next…

Unsolicited advice: Make time for the important parts within this life. Appreciate every second. Take nothing for granted. Hug one another. Call your parents/loved ones. Love on your fur babies. Forgive. Say ‘I love you’ — often!

So, yes. Time passes. Period. And as long as the clocks are still ticking, we living beings — young, old, all ages in between — we need each other. Life is complicated and isolating enough. No one should trek through the challenges and beautiful experiences solo (unless, of course, that is one’s preference. who am i to tell others how to live their lives. lol!).

As long as we are breathing air, let’s celebrate time… this life… together. Family, friend, neighbor, stranger, all realms of life… lift one another up. Be the happy in someone’s day. If you are struggling, let someone else bring joy into your life. No doubt about it, we are better and stronger together.

Sprinkle kindness along your path… and watch the loveliness grow.

Until my next reflection,

Be Well, lovelies.
Blessings and positive vibes — always!

—Terry xx

Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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