Blog post,  Covid-19,  Opinion

Has The World Gone COVID Mad?

Hesitation prevented me from writing this post before now. Several months of pondering, actually. Tried to convince myself to ignore the daily distressing + overly-concerning madness surrounding all things COVID. Hoped to pray + deep breathe my way through heightened anxiety felt when listening to and/or reading the news. Mainstream media and White House expert’s, with their C19 updates (fear-porn), really makes relocation to the South Pole seem like a brilliant alternative!

Taking sporadic breaks from the news and social media have proven refreshing, yet fruitless — I am not a bury my head in the sand kind of person. Life is limiting enough for me, so being involved with the outside world in some small way actually helps. Keeps me in the present mindset. Gets the blood flowing (some days, boiling)! The occasional Twitter engagement tends to agitate, but healthy debate and mental stimulation is a good thing. However, 240 characters and Facebook blurbs lack sufficient release. A deep feeling remains to offer freedom to accumulating, swirling thoughts. A desire to outwardly express my feelings about how these feelings make me feel.

Translation: Time for another observational opinion share! (lucky you!)

Opinion, Facts and Sarcasm. Oh My!

Living in a World of Madness: Covid – Control – Corruption

There are 7.8 billion humans living today. Think about that melting pot! What an incredible gift to be individual, unique beings — with individual, unique minds and bodies. Thank goodness we live in modern times with modern day freedoms! Freedom to think and choose and do for oneself. God given rights… to be free. Hallelujah!

Individual thought and choices are a given. Or should be. Here in the US, amped-up leanings — constant negativity + loaded government, political and mainstream media campaigns — have greatly influenced many free-thinking demographics. I have never before witnessed such a booming gravitation toward groupthink. Intelligent beings becoming a product of the current climate of control.

Each and every human has the right to think and act however they seem prudent (within the boundaries of written law), even if this means conformity — go along to get along.

However, when groupthink begins to mold into authoritarianism, Houston we have a problem!

When it comes to personal healthcare, the government needs to butt the bleep-edy-bleep out! We, intelligent individuals, need to be left to our own devices to make decisions that are best for us — individually — and for our individual families. Period.

If you think this viewpoint is somehow misguided, perhaps you should sincerely consider relocating to another continent… where dictatorships reign. (polite, yet strong, suggestion.)

[bctt tweet=”We are living in a climate overflowing with COVID fear-mongering, coercion + control. All at the hands of the powers that be.

Bottom line: Make personal healthcare choices that are best for you and your family. #FactsNotFear”]

Living in a free society, I choose: 1) to research medical information for myself — to analyze all data, suppressed/censored or otherwise; 2) to make decisions that are unselfishly best for my health and personal well-being; 3) to not simply fall in-line with what crowned experts + government leaders have deemed (righteous) necessary for the “greater good;” And most assuredly, 4) to not judge anyone else for their individual healthcare choices. Because… IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS! (and yes, YELLING!)

While not making judgements upon others and their personal healthcare choices, I will do my thing: research and share information, freely — information that is quite often missing from what the general public might hear and/or read in the daily news cycle. Knowledge is indeed powerful. May we always strive to learn, beyond the readily available and well scripted talking points. And beyond one’s comfort zone.

In today’s Covid-cloudy climate, I am truly grateful for the eye-opening exposure gained as a healthcare executive (for a medical practice involved in clinical trials). There is definitely a unique perspective absorbed (about our healthcare system) when one is also a long-haul patient coping with complex/ infectious diseases. This combination makes one question… everything!

Mandate Madness


No dipping a toe. Going to dive right in. Surely I am not alone in firmly believing that mandates, of any kind, are an infringement of one’s personal freedoms?

Mask mandates have and continue to go against one’s right… to simply breathe air! Studies show that wearing cloth masks (what most people wear) do not prevent the spread of — choose your COVID variant — infection. But please, by all means, let’s continue to hinder our children’s learning, natural daily growth and inhibit their oxygen intake. (yes, flush with sarcasm… and disdain.)

Some of you reading this might be thinking, “it’s just a mask, get over it.” Friends, we have moved soooo far beyond ‘it’s just a mask’… or “science.”

Wear one, should you so choose. Or don’t. I have personally been a fan of respirator/ filtered masks when traveling, etc., long before COVID-19 escaped from a Wuhan lab. Chronic illness + immunocompromised patients have worn N-95 equivalent masks for ages, to help protect themselves when out in public, or around others when their immune systems are more vulnerable. Has been and should continue to be a personal choice — and an individual’s personal responsibility.

Will never shift from this stance.

Take ownership over your own health and we’ll-being… then, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! (respectfully annunciated!)

And may God help us if we are inflicting long-term damage upon our most precious and vulnerable — our children — for the pretentious sake of making others “feel” safe. Virtue signaling at best. Shameful, potential harm at worst.

Covid Vaccines

The more I learn of proposed (and fascist-imposed) C19 vaccine mandates, the more I want to scream! What possesses another human being/ government leader/ hospital administration/ business executive/ mom and pop shop to deem themselves omnipotent? What gives these self-righteous, self-proclaimed ALMIGHTY the power over all — the individual healthcare of others… especially our children?


Btw: I will gladly challenge anyone to come forward — who has the hutzpah to think that they know better than myself and treating physicians… or God — to demand (mandate) I inject anything into my body, much less a vaccine lacking phase III/IV clinical trials indicating long-term effects (and I am pro-stem cell therapy!).

I will fight tooth and nail for my freedoms, and for the personal rights of my loved ones… and for the rights of all living and breathing beings to make individual healthcare decisions for.them.selves.

[bctt tweet=”Only you can stop the fear — and the government and businesses and your boss — from taking control over you and your individual freedoms. #NoVaccineMandates #NoVaccinePassports”]

Despite egregious overreach and abusive violation of one’s civil liberties — AND JUST PLAIN WRONG! — why in heaven’s name should COVID vaccines EVER be made mandatory, when there is a 99.98% survival rate for the majority of the population. (* study: Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in community-dwelling populations with emphasis on the elderly: An overview)

COVID Survival Rate — July 2021 Study: | Tweet — Kulvinder Kaur, MD

While on the hot topic of vaccines, where in the (this seems normal and sane and completely non-Hitler-esk) handbook does it indicate (anywhere remotely resembling ok-ness) to develop and implement a plan for COVID vaccine passports?!!!

Furthermore, why would ANY society allow this MASSIVE fascist form of power to exist — and then dutifully fall in line?!!! (Pretty sure my mind is literally close to blowing up!)

Emphasizing for those who think I must be an anti-vaxer, I am very much pro-vaccines — that have been proven effective and safe, AFTER years of extensive clinical trial phases. There are infinitesimal reasons behind why regulatory processes are in place for new drug development. Clinical trails and Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) are necessary clinical studies to determine the efficacy and safety of new medications and treatments. Brand spanking new drugs should never be allowed to skip a step, even during a pandemic!

Clinical trials for new drug development can take up to 15 years to complete Phase III testing — before full FDA approval is granted. Think about that for a moment. 3 to 15 years versus 6 months for COVID Emergency Use Authority (EUA) vaccines. EUA’s can be a wonderful thing… until efficacy wanes, significant adverse reactions are downplayed/ ignored/ hushed and deaths go under-reported (not hyperbole for added flare. Check VAERS for yourself).

Then there’s the most openly discussed craw in the side of the EUA’s (must vaccinate to preserve mankind) camp. Surprisingly not the deaths and severe reactions part! No, it’s the discovery of effective, off-label treatments — using current, FDA approved medications.

Full disclosure: I swayed away from C19 emergency vaccines from the beginning, even before discussing thoroughly with my treating physicians. The whole pesky notion of not knowing the long-term effects of potential gene altering pieces parts hit me as off-putting. (that’s just me.)

Stating once more for clarity, I am not judging anyone’s personal choice to get or not get jabbed and/or boosted (individual healthcare decision — personal freedom of choice). Simply stating my opinion and posing alternative thoughts/ questions — based upon information read and reviewed. For many years, I have been rather fond of researching beyond what the CDC, NIH, and The White House experts + talking heads relay to the public. (Not jaded or paranoid or into conspiracy theories. Decades of living with a disease caught up in political b.s. and BigPharma corruption + madness will wake one up to real, reality. Real quick!)

Will add, as well, how un-enamored this free-thinking human being is with how big wigs within our government (and MSM) are constantly instilling fear + division — spewing rhetoric — that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Forgive me please, but if C19 vaccines 100 percent prevented infection, then these type of statements might hold merit. Bottom line, that is not the case. So how about we stop with the madness that the “unvaccinated” are the root and evil of all things COVID. Isn’t there a gain-of-function research lab in Wuhan with that distinction? We should ask Dr. Fauci for verification.

Looking beyond the negative press and ridiculous attempts to censor/ silence any information that goes against the vaccine-only narrative, the world is blessed with a superabundance of medical experts (beyond government appointed) — physicians and scientists and researchers — who are total rockstars! Thank goodness for these vessels of knowledge and expertise; front line physicians sharing their hands-on experiences and their research — no matter how determined Big Pharma, Big Government and the media may be with silencing efforts. (Thankfully, not every inch of the information superhighway is within Big Tech’s censorship reach. Sorry Jack and Zuck!)

Legitimate question: If one is “fully vaccinated,” why the need to arouse concern over whether or not one’s neighbor/ co-worker/ or a complete stranger dining in a restaurant or walking down the street is vaccinated?

Legitimate answer: Because current COVID vaccines + boosters do not prevent infection (and, no one will ever be “fully vaccinated!”).

Vaccines and masks and passports are not going to “flatten the curve” or eliminate COVID and all her variants. This virus will more than likely survive long after our current civilization has left the building (and no, not because C19 wiped out the human race!).

There is zero logistical or statistical reasoning for C19 vaccine mandates or passports. ZERO!

So, again for those in the back, government health agencies and their experts (after following extensive research and study — that only time can provide) should offer guidelines… and advise the public accordingly. That’s it. No mandating. No passports to “allow” free comings and goings for only one class of people. Because the concept of vax passports is much better than separate drinking fountains and segregated schools or wearing a yellow star upon one’s person. Seriously! Think about that for a moment.

These draconian measures are asinine and insane — steps taken too far. Not only in the US. Take a glance around the globe to witness the reception of proposed/implemented vaccine passports.

Dear Australia, your people want their freedoms back!

Hey UK, have you seen what’s happening in Australia?

And to all our “great” leaders of The United States of America — Land of the Free — don’t even think about it! Or do, and see what happens. Projecting that scenario will not end well for many. Political fallout could be felt for decades. Strongly advise our elected officials to lean on our one true Omnipotent for guidance… (not the chosen one — Dr. Fauci — who has naively been crowned the all-knowing).

Treatment Madness

Those of you who follow me on social media, are more than aware of my stance on prophylaxis and early treatment for COVID. Both are important — regardless of the media’s negative coverage toward certain treatment options, and the CDC’s one-dimensional focus on vaccines. Even if you have been vaccinated, following a supplemental prophylaxis will help keep you armed. Getting jabbed + boosted + masking does not 100% protect against infection. An early treatment protocol is something every human should have in their medicine cabinet arsenal — just like we prep for the common cold + flu viruses — to help intervene if/ when C19 comes knocking.

Viruses are gonna virus. That means spread and mutate and infect. We are all simply more aware of COVID and all her variants, because of the constant barrage of information, good or bad. (not being flippant, stating reality.)

The following is the Preventative & Early Treatment Protocol established by Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) — pulmonary + ICU specialists, who have been caring for patients on the front lines since day one. One of several physician alliances that have formed throughout the world. Grateful to each of these physicians for their research and development of preventative/ treatment therapies — including repurposing existing, off-label medications and high-dose vitamins/ supplements. All of these docs are amazing, and deserve enormous respect and appreciation.

Do with this important information as you see fit:

Yeah! This happened. Nice Tweet, FDA. Completely unbiased and totally in line with a federal regulatory agency’s decorum.

Big Pharma – Ivermectin Madness

First of all, shame on the FDA for their recent ivermectin (IVM), “you are not a horse” smear campaign. Come on man!

IVM Facts: Nobel prize-honored medication; FDA approval — for humans, pill form, not veterinary paste — 1996; 63 studies have now shown Ivermectin’s efficacy in all stages of COVID-19 disease.

Another recent Study by NIH: Exploring the binding efficacy of ivermectin against the key proteins is SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis: an in silico approachConclusion: Our study enlightens the candidature of ivermectin as an effective drug for treating COVID-19.

Study —

IVM drug developer, Merck, no longer holds the patent to IVM — therefore IVM is a generic pharmaceutical. Average cost per dose — $26.

(Merck is no longer making millions from IVM.)

Early February 2021, Merck discredited IVM’s effectiveness in treating C19.

March 2021, news broke of Merck’s new Covid drug, molnupiravir — to be “leading the pack of 246 anti-virals in development.”

As of June, Molnupiravir was in Phase 3 clinical trials, being evaluated for early treatment and preventative for COVID (of which, IVM has been evaluated as effective in both preventative and early treatment). Estimated cost per dose of this new Merck wonder drug — $700.

(Merck has the potential to rake in millions and millions and millions once molnupiravir hits the market.)

Big Pharma has been colluding with Big Government for ages. Mass-media’s IVM smear campaign has paved the way for new anti-virals to sweep in to “save the day” — cha-ching. Familiar tactics. Incredibly obvious. Complete madness! Government “experts” and their colossal-sized conflicts of interest are steering this madness, silently with glee… and greed. (Google Dr. Fauci and 1980’s AIDS pandemic. King of denying off-label early treatments to make way for *new* drugs in development—loss of life be damned. New drugs gained him dollars, and a bigger ego. Shame on Fauci. Shame on anyone who pushes profits over patients.)

While a few might give nod to my views, many will firmly disagree. And that is perfectly dandy. Let us bask in the glory of individual thought and viewpoints! (Would love for you to add your take, in the comments below this post.)

Will wrap up this lengthy reflection with the following:

As someone who copes on a daily basis with debilitating, complex chronic illness, I do not take lightly how serious COVID can be and has been for many. Regardless of one’s health status, doing all we can to help protect ourselves from any form of illness is important. It begins with trying to live a healthy lifestyle, watching what we eat, getting quality rest and exercise, maintaining healthy weight, and not slacking on self care and mental health needs. And for some, this might include getting the C19 vaccine(s) and wearing a mask.

Heartbreakingly, too many die of disease everyday; heart disease, lung disease and diabetes fall among the top on this unfortunate list. Many factors play a role in dying from any disease — underlying conditions, genetics predisposition, etc. With this in mind, we do not have mandates to stop people from smoking or drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy foods. Slight apples to oranges, but the point consistently being driven home: we live in a free society; free to eat and drink all things unhealthy, even if data indicates that’s not the wisest decision — we are free to make those choices.

The government needs to back away from any notion of implementing vaccine mandates and passports. We the people have the power to make certain these misguided violations to and upon one’s person never take place — or are swiftly reversed should such dictatorship actions occur.

Give an inch and before we know it, miles and miles of governmental and big business control will replace God-given freedoms and individual liberties. Time to wake up people!

Until my next Reflection,

Stay well… awake… and free!

—Terry xx


Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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