• Finding Balance

    How quickly time seems to fly by, yet simultaneously stand still. For a while now, the days and nights have been melding into one another with very little break to differentiate the two.   These long stretches with little, if any,…

  • Faithfully Hanging Tough

    Life is full of peaks and valleys.   This past week for me – definitely less peak and more valley.   No real surprise.   When on my current med cycle, peak-less days tend to follow.   Although feeling lousy, weak and weary, this…

  • The Lymie Life

    No inspirational memes, platitudes, or fun throw back pics today.   This is as real as it gets kids.   The here and now, life as a Lymie – me – unfiltered! Eeeek! #KeepingItReal #LymieLife #ScaryTerry #SicklySelfie Perhaps vanity has prevented me from…

  • Almost afraid to be too positive…

    I am quite thankful to share a glimpse of sunshine in this partly cloudy – to cloudy – to stormy journey. A couple of days over the past two weeks, and again yesterday I had moments of reprieve from my…