Blog post,  Life,  Opinion

Moving Forward in a New World with Coronavirus COVID-19. Are We Ready?

For Infinite Reasons, We— the U.S. and Globally— Need to Move Forward. Can We do so Safely?

Our country remains steadfastly focused on the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and ever-evolving changes and uncertainties— rightfully so. Most of society has been hunkered down at home, practicing advised safety measures to keep themselves, their families and others safe and well. Routines have been significantly disrupted for many weeks now, and cabin-fever has set in. No doubt, huge inconveniences come with sheltering-in-place. Minor price(s) to pay for the well-being of humankind!

Hidden behind this current coronavirus crisis, continues a world filled with patients fighting non-COVID-19 illnesses; struggling, coping per their daily norms, with new added fears and complications to overcome. Chronic illness beings have various subsets of worries— expanding far beyond how to keep the kids engaged after the virtual “school bell” rings, which store might actually have toilet paper in stock, choosing the right shade of do-it-yourself hair color to gamble on. Goodness knows dark roots and gray strands have been taking over all across the land! Don’t get me wrong, these are legit “issues”. A teensy bit lower on the priority list for those fighting illness— illnesses momentarily lower priority, as well.

Surgeries and routine yet necessary treatments, postponed. Chronically ill patients have avoided hospitals, even if urgent care may have been needed. Mental health concerns and the negative toll on all humans (even the healthy and strong) from weeks of coronavirus related stressors— not working, being laid-off or let go, having to be the one to furlough employees— plus unlimited unknowns for the future, could be accumulatively causing lasting effects.

Funding and focus has shifted from vital medical research, as SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) urgently required priority. Heart disease, Respiratory illness, Cancers, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, —a litany of life threatening and debilitating diseases— never sleep, never hit pause, never stop coming, simply because a new coronavirus is in town.

As you lovelies are aware, I am not a journalist or an investigating reporter (nor do I play one on tv!). The heavy-hitting details shall be left to those who know waaay more than I. That shared, my illness awareness radar + human being awake-ness… definitely heightened these days.

Keep in mind, I’m a blathering blogger sharing my thoughts. It’s what I do! This post is chocked-full of personal opinions, with a mix of noted resources. Not everyone will share my views, obviously. That’s the beauty of individual thought and freedom of speech!

Time to Un-Quarantine?

Like all of America (and the world), I am deeply saddened by every precious life lost to this insidious virus and disease. My heart aches for families grieving, and for healthcare providers on the frontlines caring for COVID-19 patients— risking their own lives and the health of their loved ones. Fearfulness is felt for all who are immunocompromised and at high-risk (which includes so many illness fighters I know and care about; myself as well).

Prayers and hope continue for the following:

a) more testing, more testing, more testing— nationwide— both molecular (detects if positive for COVID-19, at time of testing) and serological (detects antibodies/determining if infected and recovered);

b) proven treatment(s), like yesterday— from the more than 160 treatments and vaccines currently in research and development;

c) research to (eventually) provide genetic markers to help identify those with predispositions— the most vulnerable.

[bctt tweet=”Holding on to hope for proven treatments, reliable testing nationwide + globally, and ultimately a vaccine to help us safely coexist with COVID-19.”]

Gratefulness is felt across the country, for much needed stimulus packages set into motion during these unprecedented times. But how long can the U.S. Treasury keep printing money (like it’s growing on trees in the White House lawn)— borrowing from future generations? Stimulus funding is merely a bandaid. We all know sheltering-in-place for months on end is unrealistic. Our country, businesses of all shapes and sizes— people— need to get back to work. Store shelves are more than ready to be filled with “Made in America” products, or goods from anywhere other than you know where. (quite certain we’ve “received” more than enough from “you know where”— coronavirus pandemic nightmare. and we haven’t gotten them anything. how rude!!)

And please forgive me, but…

If anyone honestly believes you know who from you know where “accidentally” allowed the spread of this deadly, economy-busting you know what (coronavirus) out into the world, perhaps being quarantined under a rock is not a good idea! (sarcasm, opinion, not xenophobic, definitely not racest… unfortunate reality)

A strong guess here, but we’re all hoping our country can return to some type of “normal”, albeit a new normal… soon. Yet, genuine concerns remain. How do we keep everyone safe?

Sadly, as with all viruses and disease… there is no keeping every single beautiful, living and breathing soul safe from disease. Not in this life. But, we can continue to do “everything”— reasonably within our power— to “flatten the curve”.

After reading the proposed Gating Criteria and Phases for Opening Up America Again, the guidelines appear reasonable— on paper and in theory. Not in complete understanding of why gyms/fitness centers open in Phase I? Sweaty peeps, you better disinfect after yourselves!!

I do not envy our President, health and government officials one bit. How incredibly easy is it for Monday morning quarterbacks to criticize everything from afar. Talk show hosts, news anchors, too many social media users, perhaps you, and of course I include myself— all knowing “better” than those in the trenches. Politicians from both sides of their ivory towers, constantly pointing fingers and attacking one another… it’s beyond exhausting— serves zero purpose or greater good. (can’t we all just get along?!)

[bctt tweet=”Our country, businesses— people— need to get back to work. Hope and pray we do so safely and responsibily!”]

This Coronavirus Isn’t Going to Magically Disappear

COVID-19 is here to stay. Unless or until a definitive cure is developed— which, for now, is a utopian scenario. Once a vaccine is proven effective, that will (hopefully) allow for even greater coronavirus precautions, globally. At least to a comparable degree as the flu vaccine (and prayerfully not resembling the disappointing, failed Lyme vaccine). It’s our responsibility— each and every one of us— to continue following advised safety precautions, indefinitely.

Reality… we all have to learn to safely and responsibly co-exist in this new world with COVID-19 — outside of our homes. And as we slowly move forward, prayers continue for the safety and well-being of every human on this glorious planet.

Lovelies, try not to feed the chaos. Find your inner calm to help quiet the fear. We will get through these growing phases, together— kindly, compassionately, supportively!

Until my next blathering

Please stay well… stay safe… stay hopeful.

—Terry xo

Please feel free to share any comments below!!


Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), —

Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA, LYMEPOLICYWONK: Patients can’t wait, whether it’s COVID-19 or Lyme —

Alex Philippidis, Vanquishing the Virus: 160+ COVID-19 Drug and Vaccine Candidates in Development, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News—

Alyssa Billingsley, PharmD, RPh, The Latest in Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Methods and Availability, —

Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, —

Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine, —

Epidemiology and Infections, The Lyme vaccine: a cautionary tale, —

Coronavirus disease,, How to protect yourself and others —

#COVID19 #Coronavirus #MovingForward #StayWell #StaySafe #StayHopeful #Hope

Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


  • dawn kulesa

    so spot on terry.. you get this from someone living a huge portion of her life in isolation – you have perspective and so much experience! love you dear warrior, thank you for your eloquent prose and reminder to stay hopeful!

    • Terry Mayfield

      Love you, dear sister. Grateful for your continued encouragement and support. Stay strong. Each new day is a new opportunity for strength and growth. Your faith will keep you strong during such worrisome times. Hold on to HOPE!💖🙏🏼💞

  • Mike

    Liked your interpretation of our new world , as an essential worker keeping customers security and Infrastructure working , and dealing with 20 thousand deaths all around me , and Lyme disease sleeping inside me, having no clue who has it and who doesn’t , it’s fine , I just do it , but Terry I need my gym , lol it’s what brought me back to life from lyme, I workout 7 days in my cabin and yard. But I need my gym and sauna , anyway hope your good Terry , enjoyed your writing

    • Terry Mayfield

      Thank you, Mike, for taking the time to read my post and for your comment. Happy you’ll be able to return to your gym! 🙂 Thank you for the work you do to help others. Hoping you are able to continue keeping Lyme symptoms at bay. Please stay safe and be well!🌸🦋🌼

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