• This Journey Through Life — Chapter 54, Page 339

    Do we mere mortals ever fully understand the ‘why’s’ in this life? Why is the sky blue(1)and the grass green(2)? Why is the color blue called blue(3)? Why does time appear to pass by so quickly? Why is this life…

  • Life with Lyme Series: Carol — Plans Change

    Welcome to the first installment of a new series to the blog: Life with Lyme, featuring guest posts written by friends and fellow Lyme disease fighters + survivors — sharing snapshots from within their world — living with Lyme and…

  • Lyme Disease — Patient Plead with a Side of Rant

    Experiencing various levels of Lyme late one night, I shared segments of the following reflections with Twitterland. Thoughts and feelings simply needing to be released. Emotions completely relatable to many. Too many. Lyme Disease Plead with a Side of Rant…

  • Healing 2.0 – Peptides. Exosomes. And Hope.

    What a journey — this gig of trying to regain one’s health. Pesky layers of illness. Layers and layers. Debilitating. Life-altering. Complicated. Frustrating. And at times, stratospherically overwhelming. That’s a lot of overwhelmingness! Totally been cramping my “sassy” style. Here’s…

  • Time for a Lyme Reboot

    Like clockwork as the 2016 calendar goes up on the wall, the new year’s resolutions are written – in pencil and erasable ink, of course. I too have been a new year’s resolution maker of sorts, for as long as…