Blog post

Let the Healing Begin!

Well my friends, it has been quiet here lately.  Seems I’ve still been trying to find my voice, and seriously lacking the energy to Blather.  How nice for you to have the break from my ramblings!

In my previous post, I shared how my health had been declining, which ultimately presented some difficult life situations.   These past few months, my sickly body has forcibly kept me rotating from my bed to comfy recliner – day and night – on repeat.

So, I continue to cope and push forward.

It’s what we do.  Everyone one of us in this life, regardless of the challenges and struggles we face.  We pull from our inner strength, lean on our faith and others who help hold us up, and we push forward.

One step at a time.  One day at a time.

Until we crack, break, or fall backward.  That is also what we do.  We are only human after all! Ha!  (She laughs and cries as she types, from the humor and sadness of this reality…)

A few months ago I turned 50.   The day came and went.   I was down in bed all day trying to fend off a flare.  Not exactly how I had envisioned I would be celebrating this half-century marker.

I guess it is only “just another day”.  But, being born – a living and breathing human – is kind of a cool thing!   Something we should celebrate.  Definitely something we should all be grateful for, regardless of life’s circumstances.

Being alive is worthy of thankfulness and celebration!

Most people, when they turn 50 might go out to a nice dinner, maybe have a big party, or better yet – go away on vacation.

Hubby and I decided to detour from the norm.  It’s stem cell therapy all the way for our celebration!

Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) to be exact.   All part of a full on 10-day supportive Integrative Lyme Disease Program.   My guess, only fellow Lyme Disease suffers will truly appreciate the significance.  This is not a Club Med vacation package!

Full disclosure:  My SVF stem cell therapy isn’t tied to my birthday in any way.  This huge decision to move forward with stem cell treatment just happened to come about when the calendar marked the BIG 5-0 for me.

Oh, what the heck.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!

The timing of this incredible gift could not be any more perfect.  And it truly is a gift.  Long story, one I had hoped to share back in May, but my body and this life (that I am thankful for) didn’t quite cooperate.

Short version:  While attending and participating in the Lyme Awareness MN gala in Minneapolis this past May, hubby had an amazing opportunity to bid on a two-week stem cell treatment package, generously donated by Infusio.  This was an opportunity we simply could not let pass, and thankfully, Marky May won the bid.  So yes, happy birthday to me!

The hubs and I had been discussing stem cell therapy for quite a while, and I’ve been diligently researching potential options.  I’ve also been following blogs and social media postings of fellow Lymies and their treatments.   Those who have received stem cell treatment, post of their life changing improvements, which is quite encouraging to say the least.

As with all treatment for chronic, persistent, late-stage Lyme and tick-borne diseases, every person reacts differently.  These diseases are so complex, and manifestations are unique within each person who suffers; thus, why there still remains to be a unified understanding of how to treat patients infected, and why we, the patients, are left to fend for ourselves to find appropriate individualized treatment.

It’s truly maddening, depressing, frustrating, overwhelming, exhausting, and incredibly expensive!  And ALL of this is wrong – on so many levels…

Since I’ve battled Lyme disease and related chronic illness for over 40-years, hubby and I are well aware defeating these diseases is no easy fight.

Suffering a stress induced relapse in 2000, along with a suspected reinfection which plagued my body with multiple coinfections, we’ve now been fighting – non-stop – for the past 17 years.

We’ve tried various intense antibiotic treatment protocols, IV therapies, herbal therapies, infrared therapies, detoxification, supplements galore, strict diet…and my health keeps going backward with each passing year.

Something has to give!

I am more than ready to begin my stem cell therapy treatment, and for healing to being.  Such a long dang journey it has been to date!

I’m not going to lie, I’m also quite anxious.  There is no way of knowing how my body will react. This whole being 50 thing is not in my favor.  Young cells are more viable.  (Deep sigh!) Age discrimination has already begun, and I haven’t even received my AARP card yet!

There is a LONG road still ahead.  The first 100 days post stem cell procedure is the most critical, and predicted to be the most difficult.

I am so thankful Marky May will be by my side through this two week treatment program. Even though we feel strongly I’ll be in great hands while at Infusio, having hubby there with me will be a blessing indeed.

So, let’s get this healing party started!!

My personal driver – care giver extraordinaire and I will hit the highways next Sunday, with my first treatments and diagnostics beginning Monday, July 24.  The full program extending thru August 4.  If all goes as planned, I anticipate the stem cell procedure will take place on Thursday, August 3rd.

My hope is to continue sharing updates along this journey with you, either by Blathering or through social media postings.  So stay tuned!

Before I close, I would like to thank you for following along as I share my Lyme Disease journey with you.  Soon this will be my journey to healing.  As always, I am forevermore – Remaining Hopeful!

Over the past few months, I have shared various awareness and encouragement T-shirt campaigns, serving several purposes:  To help raise Lyme Disease awareness, share encouragement to all chronic illness sufferers and anyone needing uplifting words throughout their day, and to help add to my stem cell treatment fund.   I am truly grateful to all who have purchased a shirt, made donations, and offered support and love.

THANK YOU – from all of my heart!

Until my next Blathering…

Blessings and good vibes – always!

Terry ? The Blathering Lymie

 * Here  is an informative article on Stem Cell Therapy for Lyme Disease.


#LymeDisease #ChronicLymeDisease #Babesia #Bartonella #ChronicIllness #StemCellTherapy #SVF #InfusioBeverlyHills #Infusio #Healing #MyHealingJourney #RemainingHopeful #ChoosingJoy #Thankful #ColorMeLyme #BlatheringsOfALymie


Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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