
  • Be Strong. With or Without Coffee… or Mascara!

    While perusing Instagram one sleepless night, a fun post caught my attention. Wish I could remember the IG account to offer a proper shout out. Too many late night flips-through-pics have since happened. Anyway, the post was of a coffee…

  • Longing for a Simpler Time — Observational Opinion

    Longing for a Simpler Time Ever wake up and think, how can I avoid everything and everyone today, including all possible forms of news? Quite certain I am not alone in longing for a simpler time. Not like “walking four…

  • Moving Forward in a New World with Coronavirus COVID-19. Are We Ready?

    For Infinite Reasons, We— the U.S. and Globally— Need to Move Forward. Can We do so Safely? Our country remains steadfastly focused on the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and ever-evolving changes and uncertainties— rightfully so. Most of society has been hunkered down…

  • Finding Calm During Times of Uncertainty

    Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as…

  • Moving Beyond the Darkness — Lyme, Chronic Illness and Life

    To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment. —Eckhart Tolle Unexpected struggles and challenges throughout our lifetime (the bumpy pieces-parts) can affect…

  • Deep From Within

    My Soul Speaks Dark and dim, unrest from within Confused, disappointed, overwhelmingly weak Pleading for strength, for guidance I seek Saddened by struggle, present life, constant fight In search of true clarity and clinging to faith I’m looking and searching…

  • Acceptance — A Powerful Element of Healing… and in Life

    Acceptance makes an incredible fertile soil for the seeds of change. —Steve Maraboli Acceptance and the Healing Journey In following along with my reflections, you may notice the recurrent reference to illness and healing as a journey. That is what…

  • Life is Precious… and Complicated. Where’s My Decoder Ring?

    Life. Is. A. Gift. … and fragile… and precious… and at times, crazy complicated. Let me begin by stating, I am a huge fan of life. Especially the most precious of moments. Complicated pieces-parts, the moments that make one question…