
  • Illness and Healing — Finding Joy in the Journey

    The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. —Archimedes Short, straight distances between points A and B rarely apply to daily life. Well, except for math. And architecture. Oh, and infrastructure. Art. Sports. Nature… Okay, so straight lines,…

  • Life is Precious… and Complicated. Where’s My Decoder Ring?

    Life. Is. A. Gift. … and fragile… and precious… and at times, crazy complicated. Let me begin by stating, I am a huge fan of life. Especially the most precious of moments. Complicated pieces-parts, the moments that make one question…

  • Coping: A Daily Battle for the Chronically Ill.

    Coping can indeed be a struggle — and daily battle — for anyone suffering with illness or facing personal trials and tribulations. This post was originally shared during an extremely difficult and challenging period in my illness + healing journey. The…

  • Chronic Illness is a Thief — Don’t Let It Steal Your Joy!

    (snippet from within my corner of the chronic illness world — updated February 2021) When I read the above meme ‘Chronic Illness is a Thief’ (author unknown) the message resonated within me. Every word seemed to ring true: being robbed of…