
  • Unabashedly Me — Living With Non-Epileptic Seizures, Daily

    We All Have “Shtuff.” We Deal. We Move Forward — The Best Way(s) Possible. Hopefully. Some peeps choose to run. Running away from one’s troubles and/or people helps no one (buck-it-up buttercup). However, in some situations, perhaps running might be…

  • What 2021 Taught + Reminded Me

    ’Tis the Season — Cheers to 2021! End of December greetings, lovelies. Over here in the desert, trying to wrap my mind around the realization of another holiday season swiftly vamoosing. Seriously!?! Have envisioned hustling and bustling, twinkling lights, holiday…

  • You Are More Than Your Illness. However…

    You know sometimes when you read or hear a statement and it hits you just right — like, yes! — I completely agree (or vehemently disagree!). During a recent Twitter scrolling session, an uplifting post appeared on my feed: “it’s…

  • Time Passes. Period.

    Time is the most paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not come, and the present becomes the past, even while we attempt to define it. —Charles Caleb Colton Silly humans. When younger, we can hardly wait…

  • Be Strong. With or Without Coffee… or Mascara!

    While perusing Instagram one sleepless night, a fun post caught my attention. Wish I could remember the IG account to offer a proper shout out. Too many late night flips-through-pics have since happened. Anyway, the post was of a coffee…

  • Finding Calm During Times of Uncertainty

    Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as…

  • Acceptance — A Powerful Element of Healing… and in Life

    Acceptance makes an incredible fertile soil for the seeds of change. —Steve Maraboli Acceptance and the Healing Journey In following along with my reflections, you may notice the recurrent reference to illness and healing as a journey. That is what…