Blog post

18 Months Post Stem Cells – The Here and Now of My Healing Journey

18 Months Post SVF Stem Cells 

Wow! Time sure flies when you’re having fun.

Wait. What?

Oh, I see what I did. Silly me. I typed the phrase we’re all familiar with. Muscle memory inside this noggin of mine must have kicked-in. Left-brained me knows better than to refer to the past year-and-a-half as “fun”. This healing gig has been an adventure, yes. But fun? Ummm…not so much.

No offense intended to my stem cells. Just keeping it real!

Truth be told, fun doesn’t simply happen. We’re in charge of creating our own joy. And if you’re reading this post, then like me, your alive and breathing. What’s not to celebrate and enjoy about that delightful fact?!

Simply waking-up and getting out of bed each day should count as hurly-burly-ness. It certainly does for me. It’s a happy dance moment whenever I’m vertical. Needless to say, perspective on what qualifies as a par-tay up in this house has most assuredly changed!

Not to worry, there’s more than enough joyful entertainment around here. It comes in the form of two full-sized kittens romping about from room-to-room. Eddie Junior and Willamina fill any possible lack of excitement. The only lull in their feline frolicking is when both are passed out from sheer exhaustion!

Whereas my physical being may not be jumping-for-joy in the literal sense, I’m surrounded by active fun-ness everyday.

Now, if only there was a pause button for the whole time flying by thing.

18 Months Post Stems.

Set aside for a moment that the past 18 months have flown by – crazy fast – since beginning this stem cell healing trek. Want to know what’s really wack? 42 years have passed and I’m still coping with the aftermath of a tiny, hideous, disgusting, tick bite.

That just hurts my left brain!

Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different? – C.S. Lewis

By this stemiversary, I was hoping to be in a better place: further along in my healing process.

I firmly believe I would have been, were it not for an emotional stress, depression induced setback. You can read more about this in my previous post, Life is Precious. And Complicated. Where’s My Decoder Ring?

Grief and depression play a number on our mental and physical state. This has definitely been the case for me over the decades, especially while simultaneously trying to navigate through illness. More recently, a significant Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)* flare collided with my close friend depression. This perfect storm made my already bumpy healing process a bit more adventurous. And not in a fun way.

These past five months, combined with the previous thirteen, have proven themselves quite challenging indeed. However, this is all part of life. My fun and sometimes not-so-fun path. Through my weariness I gain strength.

Wish I felt stronger.

My Here and Now.

Where does this decline in healing leave me?

I’m continuing to work with my Infusio physicians, and have a new treatment plan in place: Peptide therapy, which consists of daily injections, has been added to my current treatment program, and hope to travel back to Los Angeles the first part of March for additional Exosomes therapy.**

Phone consultations and regular communications with my physicians have truly helped bring hope back into my line of vision. After feeling so defeated following the “perfect storm” setback, I begrudgingly allowed myself to think healing simply wasn’t going to happen. I hadn’t lost faith, merely weary on top of weary, beaten down, in need of a reminder that He is in control.

I’m grateful to be reunited with the feeling of hope. Eagerly looking forward to receiving exosomes treatment…and seeing where this takes my body.

In addition to the physical treatments, I’m working earnestly on positive thought practice and gratefulness. Such a constant work in progress.

Bring on those feelings of joy and hope!

Gotta feed our body and mind with happy juice, right?! Not always easy peasy.  But we humans do like a challenge!

Treating illness and underlying damage done to cells and all organ systems in the body is complicated – to say the least. Each delicate layer has to be individually addressed. This is especially the case with Lyme. More so if not diagnosed and properly treated in the acute stage.

Much like the “peeling back an onion” reference I made about life in a previous blathering, a similar analogy could be made about treating Lyme and Tickborne diseases. Each symptom or layer often leads to another, then another, and another. And until that smoking gun treatment is discovered for late-stage/chronic Lyme disease, no one truly knows how many layers patients may potentially face.

And anyone who judges or preaches otherwise has clearly never walked in the shoes of, or beside, those fighting fiercely – every single day – to regain their health. (Sorry, not sorry, for the brief advocacy rant.)

Each (of the many) treatment paths taken over the decades, have been to address the various layers of these diseases. Stromal Vascular Fraction stem cells in August of 2017 was another layer within this lengthy fight for renewed health.

Hubby and I both feel the plan of peptides and exosomes treatment is the right path, at this time. Completely uncertain of the outcome, but trusting our gut and believing in my doctors that we are properly addressing necessary layers. Layers that have had me horizontal, feeling lousy, and lacking the ability to function as a “normal” human. Especially since my unexpected decline in late September (2018).

Something has to give!

Achieving complete wellness post exosomes therapy would be quite the bonus.

So this is where I am.

Remaining steadfast and diligent. And praying. A lot! Holding on to hope – that I’ll be consistently upright and human-ing, feeling new and improved one day in the not too distant future. Keeping the faith!

And to all who have been there with Marky May and me throughout this illness + healing journey, I/we cannot thank you enough for your kindness, love, and prayers.

I am incredibly blessed and grateful beyond proper expression to have the unconditional love, comforting embrace, consistent reassurance, and tireless support of my rock-solid hubby. This journey has been trying and wearing on him, as well. The life of a spouse/provider/caregiver – who also faces ailments – is not for the weak. MM is the epitome of strength. Thankfully we both take the whole “in sickness and in health, until death do us part” part seriously!

Gratefulness and love extends far and wide to a supporting cast of loving and giving family, friends and neighbors – who have become family, and a caring online community – who sincerely “get it”.  What an awesome Tribe!

Yes. I am indeed blessed – and thankful for my peeps!

This path has been bumpy. No doubt. But I’m guessing most living beings will travel a rough and tumble-y path at times, if not often. It’s called life!

I’m thankful for these treatment opportunities and look forward to continued healing, however uneasy the journey may seem.

It’s time to get busy living – and have some real fun!

Until my next Blathering…

May your path provide the fewest of bumps, endless joy, and oodles of hurly-ness.

Hugs to you, from my itty-bitty speck within this great big universe.

Blessings and positive vibes – always!



Mast cell activation syndrome: a review.

How Mast Cell Activation Disorder and Histamine Intolerance May Be Affecting Your Recovery From Lyme Disease

LYME SCIENCE: MCAS, when the immune system goes haywire

LYME SCIENCE: The agony of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)

** Exosomes, Stem Cells, and Regenerative Medicine

#Lyme #LymeDisease #MCAS #StemCells #ChronicIllness #Depression #Healing #FindYourJoy #HoldOnToHope

Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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