Blog post

Lyme Blogger Alert!


Hello!  My name is Terry.

you:  “Hi Terry!”

me:  “Thank you for the warm welcome!”

Introductions can be sooo awkward.

In case you may not know me, I’m a fierce and feisty Lyme Disease Warrior. Despite illness and all of the health challenges that come with, I am truly blessed beyond measure.

A little tidbit for now, I am married to an awesome dude. He’s handsome, funny, and did I mention handsome? More about MM in later postings, but trust me, he is ‘da bomb!

This whole blogging thing is relatively new to me. I started a journal a while ago, which has been extremely therapeutic on many levels. This prompted a herculean attempt to consolidate all of my random thoughts. Wow! They are random. I wish you luck in deciphering my ramblings and keeping up with my nonsense!

Mind rolodexing processes helped to chronicle my health journey. Especially the past fifteen plus years, and even further back to my childhood illnesses circa the mid-late ’70’s. As history reveals, I’ve been a bit of a sickly human. How “fun” it seems, I get to blame the mass majority of this journey on a nasty, tiny, disgustingly hideous tick… that chose me to infect some 39 years ago. Oh the joy! (expressed with great sarcasm and disdain)

I perhaps have overused social media; oversharing my Lyme disease journey on my personal FB page in the past. (for all of you non-social media folk, FB is short for FaceBook.)  

Side note: While on the overuse issue, I should disclose here and now the following: I overuse “and”, “that” and “this”, and misuse “just”. I end sentences with prepositions, run sentences together, and my grammar and punctuation will be all over the place– just like my thoughts. Don’t judge me! I have much bigger issues than worrying about all the shhtuff that should be remembered from elementary school days. It’s no easy feat trying to get this Lyme infested brain to function correctly.

Anyway, I digress. A lot! Back to the who am I and why am I blathering on. Turns out, I’m needing an outlet to express myself, other than solely through FB, Twitter, and Instagram. The idea of blogging had been bouncing around in my noggin for some time. I decided why not take the plunge! My postings will not be daily, weekly, perhaps not even monthly. More of a, whenever my body allows and I feel like sharing kind of a scenario. Less often the better perhaps for you. Ha!

I’m not a writer by any stretch of the imagination (as if you hadn’t figured this out by now), but I enjoy jotting down my thoughts in my journal. Well, technically, thumb pecking on my tablet or phone. This tends to be somewhat sad and lonely, knowing I am merely “talking” to myself through an app.   I mean, let’s get real, I talk to myself enough throughout my days as it is. Seriously. I talk waaay too much to myself. And to my cat, Eddie. This little furry family member has been my therapist for years. Make no mistake, Eddie is thrilled with this new blogging endeavor. Maybe now he can get back to sleeping 22hrs a day in peace

I suppose you might say the purpose or “mission” of this blog, is to provide a safe space to share my thoughts. Hopefully, without annoying anyone who wishes not to follow along. Sharing my Blatherings will also serve as therapy to some degree. Much-needed therapy to assist in coping with the realities of what has been a crazy challenging journey. Most importantly, I truly hope to offer support (maybe even a few chuckles) along the way to others fighting the good fight– be it chronic Lyme Disease or any chronic illness(es).

Should you decide to follow along this journey with me, well, that would be swell!  Simply subscribe to my Blatherings, as I’d hate for you to miss any future postings hot off the virtual presses. Perhaps even share with others whom you think might get a kick out of reading the mindless ramblings of a Lymie. For goodness sake, why not follow me on social media too?  Or not.  It’s a free country!  BUT, ifanyouwanna (one word), for your convenience simply click on the icon(s) of your choosing located under the “Let’s Connect” menu.

For now, the introductions have been made and you have been officially alerted! There’s a (relatively newbie) Lyme blogger on the loose.

Until my next Blathering… wishing you wellness — always.

Terry • The Blathering Lymie

More about me here.

#KeepFighting #NeverGiveUp #TurnPainIntoPurpose #DontLetLymeOrAnyIllnessStealYourJoy #RememberYouAreNeverAlone

Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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