Welcome To Reflections With Terry

Welcome Lovelies!
As you may have gathered, my name is Terry, and this is my blog — an interweb space for sharing personal reflections about all things life.
It is a incerely a pleasure to have you here!
About Me, the Blog, plus Random Thoughts
When it comes to ‘About’ pages and bios, what should one share?
Succinctness tends to elude me. Too many thoughts and words to be shared, or so I think. Third person speak isn’t really my thing, either: “Terry began a writing hobby only after her life was turned upside down due to illness; as her professional career plummeted into extinction, Terry desperately sought a coping mechanism offering greater purpose… (blah, blah, blah…).”
Realistically, what is worthy, informative, fitting?
After all, I am merely a hobby writer with a blog and Substack publications, not a NYT best selling author with extensive CV and fancy-schmancy website. Although, that would all be nice! But no, just little ‘ol me — occasional sharer of rambling thoughts + meme creator, full-time illness fighter + wellness seeker, freelance opinion + sarcasm giver, TV streaming connoisseur + lap-cat perch-er.
Fun Facts
Born: yes. Married: to a super cool dude. Blended family: the hubs + two beautiful daughters and a cat; myself + two cats and a bazillion pairs of shoes. Together 28 years, married 17, blessed with four awesome grandkids and two furry felines — Junior and Willamina (preceded in kitty life by Bo, Ebony, Tabby, Ritz and Eddie).
Hubby (referred to in my writings as Marky May, MM, the hubs) is one of the genuine good guys. Everyday I feel immensely blessed, full of love and happiness — all the mushy stuff and then some. Besides laughing and crying and doing all the things that come with life, we are one of those couples. You know, the couples who say the same exact thing, or break into song (same exact verse), at the same exact time. Our “cuteness” might thoroughly annoy (nauseate) others (sorry-not-sorry).
Throughout my younger to middle-aged years, I donned a few colorful *hats* — tomboy, cowgirl, athlete, accounting peep, nightclub manager (for sheer fun), healthcare executive, photography hack, lover of nature and perpetual daydreamer. Regardless of endeavor, hobby or adventure, front and center: an extremely motivated, fiercely competitive, highly opinionated + outwardly vocal human — (attributing any and all overly + excessive mouthy-ness to genetics. thanks, dad!).
I share these little tidbits of information to offer insights into my style of writing. There happens to be quite the mixture of personality traits + idiosyncrasies inside this noggin of mine. (Acknowledgement is the first step!)

Real Life
So you know how life can throw you a curve? Funny (not funny) how one wicked curve (ie: illness) can mess with even the best mapped-out, livin’-life-to-the-fullest of plans. We can be cruising along, minding our own business (wearing our *hats*) then, BAM! The unexpected happens. Temporarily, or forever, altering our path.
Curves happen.
And because ‘curves’ happen… one’s life can change. Dramatically. Due to said wickedly curvy, unforeseeable circumstances. In my case, undiagnosed Tick-Borne diseases turned this independent, high-functioning executive + physically fit, weekend athlete into a completely dependent, bedridden, full-time Lyme + complex disease fighter.
Our only real given in this life? Today. Right now. This. Very. Moment. Cliche but true, there are no guarantees (other than death. and paying taxes). There is zero assurance we will have a tomorrow. Not being a Debbie Downer, simply stating reality.
Live each day meaningfully and firmly in the present—the here and now. We may not be able to control what happens around us, or even to us, but we are in control of our thoughts… and our behavior. Calm the chaos and the fear… and live! And have hope. And plan for the future. And pray. Pray we get to see the sun rise tomorrow. And the next day. And the next…
Make time for the important parts within this life. Hug your kids. Call your parents/loved ones. Pet your fur babies. Forgive. Say ‘I love you’… often.
What to Expect
Majority of reflections published here on the blog, Substack and/or via Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, stem from personal experiences within this ever-changing Lyme+ chronic complex illness and healing journey. Making the publish cut, as well: random reflections about life—any and all facets; uplifting messages, observational opinions, the occasional poem and/or short story; rounded out with desert landscape photography, and the inevitable kitty photos + videos, because… cats.
All the sharing of all the things revolves entirely around how I am feeling, and what may spark inspiration… and when. Creative brain-waves flow rather sparingly these days. Quite sporadically, actually. Certainly unscheduled and unpredictable. Keeps the collective ‘we’ in suspense (yes, including me).
Who Am I, Really?
Just a Midwestern, mid-fifties adult female human being, over here in the desert (with the hubs and fur babies) negotiating life. Moving forward from moment to moment the best way(s) possible. Trying to find wellness. Advocating. Writing. Creating. Offering encouragement, empathy and support to others who might be making their way along similar, bumpy + colorful paths.
We are never in this journey alone. We are indeed… Stronger Together.
Let me bring this short story ‘About Me’ to a close by sharing one more fun fact.
Without appearing braggadocio, sometimes boasting one’s talents is acceptable. The following may or may not be one of those times:
On the occasion I feel well enough to have the tunes rockin’, I like to sing. Oh so loudly. And oohhh sooooo off-key. Not an attempt to be humorous or entertaining. That would be favored! No, I simply (and matter of factly) cannot carry a tune. In key. Period! Professional assessment would probably reveal that I bellow within several keys, changing at (air’s) will (not mine!)… within one verse… during one single note. (Serious “talent!”) Definitely not a pleasant sound (dogs howl, cats run for cover). I may very well be tone deaf. Who knows?! Whatever the case, rest assured, I am not too proud to share my God-given, untrained “gift” with the universe. It truly is something… not to hear.
If ever graced with my “singing” prowess, you should seriously consider wearing earplugs. (Can’t say I never warned you.)
I am woman, hear me roar (literally)!
Here’s to wingin’ this life gig day by day, finding joy and purpose along the way.
Blessings, lovelies — always.

To learn more about my story — 45+ years negotiating life and illness — click here: A Colorful Journey Through Life with Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness — A Lyme Disease Awareness Story.
Thank you got stopping by.
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