Blog post

A Bit Ticked Off!


You know the old saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I am assuming this applies to blog postings, as well.

Been having my share of bad days around here this past week. Plain and simple – I’ve been TICKED OFF, pun intended. Every time I think I am seeing improvement, meds kick my booty, the weather kicks my booty, the big beautiful full moon kicks my booty. Enough with the booty kicking already!

I’d welcome a hard work out in the gym, running suicide drills or hills, from my former life, type of booty kicking – any day. But these tick borne diseases (insert not so nice word here) need to get on out of here!  I am waiving my white flag!

Or am I?

Throwing in the towel and giving up is not in my nature. Kicking booty is more in my nature. Somehow, someway, this chica is going to win this fight, and ultimately, the battle. Not sure when, not really sure I even know how. All I can do is to keep on keeping on, and hope and pray I am finally on the right track.

Weak, weary and feeling a bit whipped right now, but I am not defeated. There will be no surrendering. Losing is NOT an option!

So, in case you may have had a few bad days yourself, kick some type of booty this weekend, not literally, of course, but give this weekend heck!  I’m living vicariously through you people, so get out there and make me proud!

This Weary Lyme Warrior is cheering you on all the way. It’s a booty kicking weekend! Whoot! Whoot! ??

I feel like we need to huddle up and yell something now!


Wishing you a fabulous, safe, and healthy weekend!

Warrior Strong!???


#BootyKickingWeekend #BlatheringsOfALymie #KeepingOnKeepingOn #KeepingTheFaith #NeverGiveUp #WarriorStrong #LymeDiseaseSucks #ForeverRoyal #ChiefsKingdom

Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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