Blog post

Finding My Way Through The Colors of Lyme – Part 2 – My Story

This is the second part of my two-part series:  Finding My Way Through the Colors of Lyme.

Following up to Part 1 – The Rant, change is happening, and for the better.  In February 2016, The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) removed the expired (and grossly outdated) Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) guidelines for treatment of Lyme disease.   Baby steps, but steps in the right direction.

Lyme patients and advocates all over the country are calling for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to follow suit and remove references to the IDSA guidelines from all CDC publications.

An article posted on quoting Allison Caruana, co-founder of  The Mayday Project Lyme advocacy group, “It has been 40 years since Lyme disease was identified, yet the CDC has failed to protect the public health and has made matters worse by endorsing outdated treatment guidelines that misrepresent science and restrict access to care for chronically ill patients.”

While some change is occurring, it is still appalling that patients inflicted with Lyme and vector-borne diseases have to consistently fight for proper care.  And to pay out-of-pocket for our (expensive) treatments just adds insult to injury.   Our fight for wellness is exacerbated by all of the ridiculous obstacles in our path.  The entire Lyme disease circus is maddening.

Deep Sigh!

Moving on to Part Two of this series.

Finding My Way Through The Colors of Lyme – Part 2 – My Story

The intended purpose of sharing my story, is to highlight how vital it is to discover Lyme disease early in the acute stage.   Most importantly, to show how recovery depends upon proper treatment being administered promptly and for a necessary length of time.  (More than likely longer than the 14-21 days of antibiotic treatment the CDC/IDSA guidelines suggest.  Not merely my (living proof) opinion, but per “evidence-based guidelines for the management of patients with Lyme disease” provided by the ILADS Treatment Guidelines.

My story was originally shared by the Facebook community Lyme Expressions And Fellowship – LEAF on Feb 1, 2016.  Since then, it has also been shared through various blogs and social media outlets.   Those of us affected by Lyme and tick-borne diseases need to share our stories in order to help raise awareness about these debilitating and destructive diseases.   If you would like to share your story, please feel free to contact me, or LEAF  via Facebook.

Click here to read – My Story – My Lyme Disease Journey

I will close this Blathering my expressing my immense gratitude to ALL of the Lyme disease advocacy groups and Lyme warriors who fight for change on behalf of the entire Lyme community.   Too many are suffering – especially children – unnecessarily.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story  and for following along with my journey – my fight for wellness.

Until my next Blathering, may you all be blessed with better health and brighter days as each new season approaches.

Terry? The Blathering Lymie

#FindingMyWayThroughTheColorsOfLyme #MyLymeDiseaseJourney #ChangeWillHappen #FightingForWellness #LymeDisease #ChronicLymeDisease #Babesia #Bartonella #Mycoplasma #MTHFR #LivingTheLymeLife #LifeOfALymie #TurnPainIntoPurpose #KeepOnKeepingOn #KeepFighting #NeverGiveUp #KeepTheFaith #DontLetLymeStealYourJoy #LymeWarriors #LymeWarriorStrong #ColorMeLyme #BlatheringsOfALymie

Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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