Blog post,  Chronic Illness,  Encouragement,  Exosomes Therapy,  Lyme Disease

Illness and Healing — Finding Joy in the Journey

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.


Short, straight distances between points A and B rarely apply to daily life. Well, except for math. And architecture. Oh, and infrastructure. Art. Sports. Nature… Okay, so straight lines, short and otherwise, are everywhere in our lives. But not without a few curves, humps, and dips along the way.

Peaks and valleys. Ebb and flow. Wax and wane. Ups and downs. Choose an idiom of choice. Then insert your story. Nonlinear paths are part of our journey. Guess that’s what keeps our time on this planet truly exciting!

Since my previous reflection where I shared an update regarding recent exosome therapy and immune support treatments, notable changes have been happening. Enough so, I’ve deemed them worthy of another reflection.

Five Weeks Post Exosome Therapy

Without coming off as completely unstable, I can straight up share that over the past few weeks there have been days when I’ve definitely experienced… stuff happening. All inside this body of mine. Up. Down. All around! Odd sensations. Feeling a bit, off. Difficult to explain.

Stuff. Happening!

Exosomes be busy at work. Cells are communicating, strategerizing, and implementing their healing plan.

And while busyness within is noticeably happening, rest and sleep have been a must. Maybe not every day, but more so over the past few weeks.

Note for Fellow Exosome Therapy Recipients:  On deeper healing days, tiredness, headaches, and feverish symptoms may make an appearance. Rest is a definitive need during these moments. At least until the stuff-happening feelings and wonky-ness pass. (Obviously, I’m all about technical speak!)

Additional Note:  The above has been my experience. Might be completely different for others.

Sharing is caring!

With Flow Comes the Ebb — Thankfully

There are sooo many positives occurring right now with my healing. Totally outweighing any of the not-so-fun, needing to rest and recharge moments. I shared a few improvements in my Healing 2.0 post, but the following is a condensed-updated version.

Happy-Dance Healing Happenings — Honorees

A.K.A. Daily Lyme Disease and “Friends” Main Symptoms:

  • Unrelenting flu-like symptoms — outta here.
  • Muscle and nerve pain; tremors; tingling — gone.
  • Dizziness and vertigo — nada.
  • Deep bone pain — nope.
  • Body temperature fluctuations — zilch.
  • Nausea and GI issues — buh bye. Peptides, maintaining a proper diet for my needs, and exosomes have helped e-n-o-r-m-o-u-s-l-y. 
  • Extreme Sensitivities — to EVERYTHING — on sabbatical. Hopefully, permanently! Again, peptide therapy combined with exosome therapy have offered answers to my histamine intolerances and MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome). 
  • Brain fog — poof.  Clearest my thinking has been in years. I still forget things. That’s “normal”. Brain fog is a completely different beast than misplacing your keys. I can handle annoying forgetfulness. 
  • Sleeping patterns — mucho better.  Still a work in progress, but improving.
  • Debilitating fatigue has left the building. “Normal” fatigue is still present, following days I may have overextended myself. BUT, it passes with restorative rest and proper self care. HUGE difference that hasn’t been possible in years!

Don’t let the slight humor included with the above fool you. Those “honoree” symptoms along with too many others to list, kept me down. Hard. In a miserable fashion. Such that I watched life happening all around me while hold up within my adobe walls — mostly bedridden the last five years and majority of the past 20.

It’s been a looonng time since I’ve been this excited and optimistic about experiencing tangible results — from any treatments endured over the decades. It’s really not possible to properly translate the emotions and gratitude consuming me. Tears are flowing as I share theses positive outcomes currently happening.

Crazy good feelings of joy!

Yes, It’s still early in this exosome therapy healing process, and there’s still more healing to come. Hopefully. But seriously peeps!

20 months (patience + perseverance + Remaining Hopeful) + (SVF stem cells + Peptides + Exosomes) = Hallelujah!

Cue Happy-Dance for healing happenings!

Counting My Blessings 

As the ebb and flow of this nonlinear, messy, anything but easy, beautiful healing journey continues… I am:

  • incredibly thankful for moments when I’m upright and human-ing — like a big girl;
  • tearfully excited when I can be outside and enjoy me some nature;
  • pinch-me thrilled to be experiencing such noticeable improvements — even with the tiredness and occasional wonky feelings;
  • all kinds of blessed and grateful for my rock star supporter + provider + caretaker and loving hubby, and for our precious + entertaining + comforting fur babes — Junior and Willamina;
  • humbly and graciously counting my blessings, every glorious new day!

I meditate and pray on these current healing blessings. Gratefulness fills my heart, especially right this very moment. I’m Holding on to Hope that this progression only continues. 

Having had zero preconceived expectations going in to these treatments, leaning only on hope and faith, I’m in awe of the accumlative outcomes to date.

Peptides and Exosome Therapy — I. Am. A. Fan!

Here’s to hoping this stuff-happening, positive-healing-flow keeps ebbing.

Bringing this reflection toward a close, I’m sharing a few pics snapped recently while getting my nature on. Mind you, I’ve yet to venture far from our property and neighborhood. But it’s outside! 

I’ve been trying to take advantage of as many late afternoons and evenings this body will allow, soaking up every last visible ray of sunshine before it falls past the horizon; enjoying each peaceful and calming, feeling good + upright, human-ing moment — as often as they occur. 

I love me some desert. Especially in the Spring… before the heatwave of Summer (and rattlesnakes) take over. 

Since I was a kid, my favorite time to be outside has been in the evening hours. Nowadays, my grownup self really enjoys being able to capture and appreciate textures, dimension, and depth of shadow-y silhouettes. Combined with glistening rays between desert landscape right before dusk… yeah, that’s some good stuff!  And to witness the skyline change colors and character — mesmerizing and magical.  

It all brings such joy and soothes my soul. Simple pleasures I’ve learned to love… and have deeply missed over these past several years…

It felt A-M-A-Z-I-N-G to be outside!

Maybe a double-handful of outdoor time has accrued over the years. How sweet to cash-in some of those banked hours.

Perhaps this whole feeling the sunshine on my face + breathing in fresh air thing is waaay more of a big deal to me than some. Such added bonuses for me. Wonderful blessings within this amazing life. Definitely not to be taken for granted by this chick.

Note to self:  Think it’s time to finally set the camera phone aside and get that big girl camera out of it’s dusty box!  Desert exploration is calling.

Well kids, that’s my update. Barring any significant changes in this healing journey, things may be quiet here on the blog for an undetermined time period. While I strongly feel it’s important to share our stories, especially with others who may be experiencing similar paths, this peep currently needs to spend less time discussing illness + healing and more time enjoying this positive momentum.

Until my next Reflection…

May this current season in your life provide balance, strength, comfort, and happiness — whatever may be needed — as you navigate your nonlinear path. Wherever it may be leading you.

Healing vibes and prayers go out to all Lyme disease and illness fighters, and to anyone and everyone in need.

Blessings and positive light — always. 

Hugs and warm wishes, from my desert-y particle on this great big beautiful planet.

Terry xx

Disclaimer: No medical advice is given nor intended through any information shared in this site. All blog postings stem from personal experiences and/or opinions only. 

To learn more about my illness + healing journey, read ‘my story:’ My 43 year Journey with Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness.


Exosomes and Their Therapeutic Potentials of Stem Cells —Chao Han, Xuan Sun, […], and Tao Wang

Dr. Elena A. Frid, Exosomes Therapy

#LymeDisease #MCAS #ChronicDegenerativeDisease #CellTherapy #Peptides #Exosomes #RegenerativeMedicine #Healing 


Over here reflecting about life, illness + healing. Offering encouragement + empathy + support. Sharing smatterings of sarcasm + sass. Oozing with opinion. Speaking my truth. —tmm


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